Classic Sponge Cake with Milk Butter Cream

72.00 лв.139.00 лв.

A sense of home comfort combined with bitter and citrus aromas

icon component mealIngredients: Mascarpone, animal cream, almond flour, coconut flour, blueberries, strawberries

icon component mealFree of preservatives, enhancers, artificial colors, white sugar, palm oils and gluten.

See Allergens

icon priceSmall cake (8 pieces) 87.00 BGN
icon priceMedium cake (12 pieces) 109.00 BGN
icon priceLarge cake (16 pieces) 139.00 BGN

Prices for 1 piece of cake including VAT

Amount per day

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Unrivaled Quality

икона 1 за качество на храната в кухня fit panther

No Fried

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Without Preservatives

икона 3 за качество на храната в кухня fit panther

Without Palm Oils

икона 4 за качество на храната в кухня fit panther

Without Sunflower Oil

икона 5 за качество на храната в кухня fit panther

No White Sugar

икона 6 за качество на храната в кухня fit panther

No White Flour

With attention to the customer!

Healthy Kitchen Fit Panther® prepares a variety of food every day, and each of our clients has a food file that is strictly monitored! Excludes certain foods to which you may be allergic or intolerant.

икона плюсове  We cook with triple filtered “Silver Water”
икона плюсове + BIO products
икона плюсове   Optional Guten-Free
икона плюсове  100% ECO Packaging
златните момичета с менюта от кухня fit panther
готвене със сребърна вода в кухня fit panther

Fit Panther® kitchen cooks with silver water and purifies products through ozonation

In favour of healthy eating, the Fit Panther® kitchen cooks with silver water, which has the same effect as ozonation.

Drinking water is often saturated with dangerous microorganisms that find favourable conditions for life in it. They have a negative impact on the human body and are the cause of a number of inflammatory processes. For this reason, Fit Panther® Kitchen implemented a completely new technology that improves the quality of drinking water used for cooking.

The process goes through three main stages:

  1. Filtration 1 – Purification of water with silver and copper ions
  2. Filtration 2 – Purification with activated carbon
  3. Filtration 3 – Purification and enrichment with zeolite mineral

Purified to sterilization, water doesn`t lose its mineralization!

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